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Can In Laws Affect Your Married Life? Are you pondering how?

As a married woman, I can tell you for sure that there would be numerous positive and negative influences in your marriage life in the form of your in-laws. Do you want to know what they are?

how can in laws affect your married life

Can In Laws Affect Your Married Life – 15 Overlooked Revelations You Should Be Aware Of

Here I have come up with 15 implicit ways in which your in-laws could affect your marriage. 

1. Your In-Laws Will Be Able To Guide You and Your Spouse in the Right Direction

What are elders for if they cannot guide you and your spouse in your married life considering the greater management tasks that lie ahead of it?

2. Your In-Laws Might Share Domestic Responsibilities With You and Give Way For More Marital Space with Your Spouse

When your In-Laws share domestic tasks with you, wouldn’t that provide more scope for you to spend time with your partner?

3. Your In-Laws Might Set A Precedent to Your Marriage Through Their Living

Do you not think your in-laws could inspire you and your partner by leading an example as a perfect couple?

4. Your In-Laws Might Encourage Your Partner To Help You Out With Domestic Work

Is it not possible that your in-laws might encourage your spouse to help you out with domestic chores in case they are broad-minded enough?

5. Your In-Laws Might Facilitate an Ambience for You To Lead a Good Life with Their Son

What if your broad-minded in-laws plan a private vacation for you and your partner surprisingly? Wouldn’t that be amazing?

6. Your In-Laws Might Pose a Threat To Your Privacy with Your Partner

What if your insensible in-laws barge into your room all of a sudden? Wouldn’t that make your married life suffer if it keeps happening often?

7. Your Differences with the In-Laws Might Strain Your Equation With Your Spouse

Do you not think your conflict of interests with your in-laws could strain your relationship with your spouse?

8. If Your In-Laws are Old, You Will Have Less Time for Your Spouse

In case your in-laws are old, wouldn’t that daunt you with over-flowing responsibilities and less time for your partner?

9. Your In-Laws Might Influence Their Son A Lot

Is it not possible that your overprotective in-laws might influence your partner with their thoughts? Would that not pose a threat to your married life?

10. Your Overbearing In-Laws Might Deprive Your Independence in Marriage

What if your in-laws are overpowering enough to steal away the independence of you and your partner? Wouldn’t such a crippling situation suffocate your married life?

11. Your Strict In-Laws Might Impair Your Choices and Happiness With Their Restrictions

What if your in-laws make you and your spouse follow their interests and choices? Wouldn’t that freeze your married life?

12. Your In-Laws’ Out Of The Blue Plans Might Affect Yours

In case you have planned an outing with your husband, and your in-laws come up with a different plan shattering yours. Wouldn’t that create a friction in your marriage?

13. Your In-Laws Might Pressurize You Into Conception When You Are Not Ready

What if your in-laws keep pressuring you to conceive when you are not prepared yet? Wouldn’t that create a stressful marriage for you?

14. Your In-Laws Might Unnecessarily Intervene In Private Matters Concerning You and Your Spouse

Would that appear nice when your in-laws interfere in your personal affairs with your spouse? Wouldn’t that push your married life into a storm?

15. Your In-Laws Might Try To Have an Upper Hand Over Their Son’s Finance Which is Not Good For Your Marriage 

How do you think your relationship with your spouse would fare when your in-laws try to have a hold over his finances? Wouldn’t that cause a tension in your married life?

Read on as I have elaborated them for you and take charge of the situation wherever required.

1. Your In-Laws Will Be Able To Guide You and Your Spouse in the Right Direction

With years and years of their experience, there is no doubt that your in-laws could guide you and your partner in a proper direction wherever you go wrong.

If you face any hassles with loans or savings or handling things concerning your family, or children, your in-laws will be able to guide you the right way, isn’t it?

When things go haywire between you and your spouse, they would even ensure to enlighten you both with the right counsel and go that extra mile to sort things out for your well-being.

Don’t you agree how sweet a gesture it would be for you? 

That said, can in laws affect your married life positively as well? 

Indeed, they could! Why? Do you not think this would suffice for a proof?

2. Your In-Laws Might Share Domestic Responsibilities With You and Give Way For More Marital Space with Your Spouse

Do you have a feeling that your in-laws treat you as their own daughter?

Do they make efforts to understand you and ensure to share domestic duties with you so that you could get your space and time as well?

In such a case, shouldn’t their efforts be appreciated for their positive influence on your married life?

3. Your In-Laws Might Set A Precedent to Your Marriage Through Their Living

Do you often get this feeling that your in-laws are a perfect couple?

Do they make it evident to you through their lovely bonding and gestures?

In such a case, won’t you take them for inspiration for your own marriage life?

If that is the situation, do you not think it is one of the positive ways in which your in-laws could affect your married life?

4. Your In-Laws Might Encourage Your Partner To Help You Out With Domestic Work

Do you have open-minded in-laws who encourage their son to help his wife with domestic responsibilities?

Would they make necessary efforts to make their son understand the importance of his participation in the domestic work?

If such is the case, can in laws affect your married life? Indeed, they could positively like this!

5. Your In-Laws Might Facilitate an Ambience for You To Lead a Good Life with Their Son

Do you think your in-laws make efforts to send you and your spouse on a vacation to rediscover your private time?

Do they ensure to not embarrass you and your spouse after you have a fight?

Do they take care of things that will help you and your partner unwind after a tiring day and ensure that you have a good time with each other?

If yes, you are blessed and indeed your in-laws affect your married life positively!

6. Your In-Laws Might Pose a Threat To Your Privacy with Your Partner

If you are a married woman living with your in-laws, it is important to keep a tab on the time you get to spend with your husband.

Sometimes In-Laws Fail to Understand the Concept of Husband and Wife Privacy

Say, your in-laws do not understand the concept of husband and wife privacy and keep loading you with a lot of work or barge into your room unannounced.

In such cases, would it not have a serious impact over your married life? Do you think you could spend some alone-time with your partner?

How would you take hold of such a situation? 

Don’t you think it is high time for you to discuss this with your partner and change things for the better?

On the Contrary, if your in-laws respect your time with your partner, you don’t have to worry at all. You are blessed with broad-minded and positive in-laws!

7. Your Differences with the In-Laws Might Strain Your Equation With Your Spouse

All fingers cannot be of the same length. Similarly, you cannot avoid having differences with your in-laws.

That said, it is highly possible that you will clash with them time and again over their varying ideologies and thought process from yours.

In such cases, would it not spark a row between you and your spouse? 

How would you deal with such instances?

Shouldn’t you be assertive and matured enough to not aggravate the problems further both with your in-laws and your partner?

At the least, you should try to make your partner understand your problems to set things flowing naturally in your relationship in the longer run!

8. If Your In-Laws are Old, You Will Have Less Time for Your Spouse

In the case of old and ailing in-laws at your care, your married life will for sure take a hit. Do you want to know how?

Old In-Laws Are a Sign of Huge Responsibility For You

Old in-laws obviously indicate that you will have to take the onus of the home management entirely.

That would include cooking, cleaning , washing, taking them to hospital for check-up, following their medication, and a lot more. 

In such a case, do you think you could accommodate time for your spouse? Do you think you could plan for a vacation or even plan short trips with your partner? 

To give you an example, I know of a young married woman who recently lost her father in law that the responsibility of her old mother in law fell upon her shoulders. And All these happened in a short span of time for her to even take in. Do you see how hard it would be for her to handle such huge responsibilities all of a sudden?

Had you been in her place, wouldn’t that make it really stressful for you?

How would you make your marriage come to life in such a case?

9. Can In Laws Affect Your Married Life – They Might If They Influence Their Son A Lot

In a lot of families, problems begin to widen when there is an existing NEGATIVE INFLUENCE.

Negative Influence On Your Partner is a Red Flag To Your Marriage Life

Say, your mother in law does not like the way you behave or that she often finds faults with your actions.

In such a case, if she seeds your partner with all negative things about you, wouldn’t that impact your marriage life?

How would you manage such problems?

On the contrary, if your spouse remains clear or there is some good communication happening between you both, of course, you need not worry about your mother in law’s actions. 

10. Your Over-Powering In-Laws Might Deprive Your Independence in Marriage

Do you think that your parents’ in law are overbearing enough and give less space for you and your partner?

Do you feel that your independence is being cramped by them that you both are forced to seek your in-laws’ approval for each and every small thing?

Your In-Laws’ Permission-Seeking Rule Might Make Your Marriage Life Miserable

Would your in-laws even expect you to gain their permission to visit your parent’s place with your spouse?

Do you have to plan for every single thing only after asking your in-laws? 

Don’t all these mean that you will have a lot of problems with your spouse?

Now tell me from this, can in laws affect your married life? Indeed they could, but shouldn’t both you and your partner take charge of the situation quickly and positively? 

Remember, if you don’t you will end up digging a pit for your relationship!

11. Your Strict In-Laws Might Impair Your Choices and Happiness With Their Restrictions

Do you think you are often forced to give up on your desires because of your in-laws’ restrictions? 

Do they not allow you to order your favourite dish from your close-to-the-heart restaurant?

Do they not allow you to buy your favourite dresses and earrings?

Are you not able to visit places or hang out late at night with your spouse just because your in-laws do not approve of it?

In-Laws’ Restrictions Sometimes Might Get The Better Of Your Relationship With Your Spouse

Do you not think all these will lead to creating differences between you and your spouse? Will it not affect your married life?

In such a case, shouldn’t things be taken care of? Shouldn’t you take charge of the situation wisely and positively?

12. Your In-Laws’ Out Of The Blue Plans Might Affect Yours

Do you find your plans getting shattered often due to your in-laws’ unexpected plans?

Do you feel at times that you are forced to give up on your plans with your spouse because of them?

In-Laws Ignorance to Your Feelings Is Not Good For Your Marriage In the Longer Term

In such cases, Would that not lead to rifts between you and your spouse?

How would you handle such situations effectively? Would your spouse play his part in setting things in the right direction?

Shouldn’t you both make your in-laws’ understand your situation in a positive manner? 

13. Your In-Laws Might Pressurise You Into Conception When You Are Not Ready

It is not uncommon to see in-laws pressuring their daughters in law to give them the “good news”.

If you are in such a situation, wouldn’t you face a huge mental block because of them especially when you are not yet ready for conception?

Would that not shift the problem to your relationship with your partner?

Now tell me honestly, can in laws affect your married life in a negative way?

If you feel they could, Shouldn’t you and your spouse approach this problem wisely without affecting your marriage?

14. Your In-Laws Might Unnecessarily Intervene In Private Matters Concerning You and Your Spouse

Do you feel that your in-laws are nosy?

Do they try to interfere in matters concerning you and your spouse?

Do they try to come in between when you and your partner are having a fight?

In such a case, Don’t you think their interference would impact your relationship with your partner? Does it not lead to aggravating the situation further?

Sometimes In-Laws Fail To Understand Their Boundaries

Shouldn’t you and your partner make your in-laws understand their boundaries?

Shouldn’t the issue be sorted out properly and positively?

15. Your In-Laws Might Try To Have an Upper Hand Over Their Son’s Finance Which is Not Good For Your Marriage

Do you feel that your in-laws are having an upper hand over your partner’s salary even after marriage?

Do they make things complex for you to handle your financial constraints provided you are a non-working woman?

Do you think their hold threatens your partner’s rights over his own earnings?

In such a case, does it not pave the way for differences with your partner? Shouldn’t such things be addressed to your partner first and then your in-laws confidently?

In-Laws, whether they live with you or not, could impact your married life in any possible way. If they belong to the trouble-making lot, win them over with your wise and positive actions. On the other hand, if they take care of you and your partner going out of way to do things for you both, be grateful that you are blessed with such broad-minded people in your life! 

Also, if you feel like adding more points to this, feel free to share them in the comments sections below!